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Custom-tailored AI Training

“The key must be retraining the workforce. This must be the responsibility not just of the government, which can provide subsidies, but also of corporations and AI's ultra-wealthy beneficiaries.”


~ Kai-Fu Lee, Ex VP at Apple, Microsoft, and Google


Simply offering AI-based solutions is not going to help you and your management understand why the system detected an anomaly or made a particular decision. We train our clients, their key personnel, and the new breed of AI engineers to help them realize the true and full potential of the frameworks, models, and solutions we offer.


As each of our solution is custom-made to address a specific challenge, generic AI and Analytics training will not cut it. Each unique solution needs some generic base training and then advanced training in how to best use the digital solution with all pieces of the puzzle falling in place.


The specialized training programs from Artificial Links are suited for analysts with years of domain experience, as well as novice students who want to make a career in AI engineering and data analytics. AI is not simply the practice of crunching large number-sets but applying the mathematical and statistical models to real-world problems and finding innovative solutions to them.


Our smart solution can help you describe qualities in a customer that was not possible earlier, and then make searches based on sample data for all customers having the same qualities. The knowledge graph builds upon the relationships between nodes describing qualities and applying meaning by contextualizing information. Artificial Links has high-quality proprietary datasets custom-built to train learners in different technological segments and verticals. These datasets are available for all who wish to make a difference in the field

Best quality assurance practices ensure that all training modules are vetted by our experts before they are offered to learners. A continuous and rigorous review process ensures that all our training modules are correct, up-to-date, and of the highest quality. We strongly believe that in preparing techno-leaders we are strengthening the ecosystem where innovation and creativity thrive and benefit all concerned. Our collaborative approach to learning and doing business is valued by our partners, clients, and employees alike.

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